Healthy Mind, Healthy Body
June 11, 2020

Christine V., Wellth Member

Staten Island, NY

For Christine, joining the Wellth Program was a no brainer. Finding a group of people that understands her struggles has helped improve her mental health and in turn, her physical health. Before Wellth, Christine had a good routine going but was lacking a support system who grasped how difficult it is to keep up with many medications at once. Christine has several chronic conditions and recently had spinal fusion surgery, so she knows the importance of taking her medication every day and on time. Before retiring, Christine was a caregiver, so she knows how important this type of program is for those who are just getting started with building healthy routines.

Though Christine isn't a big user of technology in her daily life, downloading and using the Wellth app was easy, “the old adage that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks doesn’t apply to me” Christine says. As soon as Christine began the program, she had no doubts that she would do well. 

Christine felt that the Wellth program was straightforward and easy to follow. If she ever needed assistance she would call in and the Wellth support team would get back to her right away. Her favorite part of the Program was speaking with Marci and the rest of the support team, “They made it very easy to handle the program! My job before I retired was to help people as a caregiver and I can tell the people at Wellth enjoy helping people, too”. Keeping up with medications is a big part of Christine’s life and she truly benefited from being able to talk to a team that understood the importance of sticking to a care plan.

“My job before I retired was to help people as a caregiver and I can tell the people at Wellth enjoy helping people too.”

Christine has many conditions that make it difficult to lead a fully active lifestyle. Her spinal fusion surgery poses challenges. This does not stop her, she enjoys the little things like walking, especially since the weather is nice now. She also keeps up with her other hobbies like taking care of her very loved dogs, Coco and Oreo, as well as making blankets for people she cares about. With Wellth, Christine is able to keep up with her lifestyle and share her experiences with people who understand and encourage her to continue.

The rewards Christine received were an added bonus for her. Christine saved up her rewards and has been able to put them to good use during the challenging COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to Wellth, Christine is able to purchase things she needs, such as socks, as well as things that bring her joy such as materials for her blankets. She is very thankful to Wellth for the opportunity to buy these items to continue taking care of herself physically and mentally. If we stay in touch, she might make a blanket for us as well! After all, based on the blanket featured above, she already has the Wellth colors ready to go.