For Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare Advantage Star Ratings depend on daily member behavior

Improving quality of care and health outcomes for members is at the top of the list for Medicare Advantage plans. At Wellth, we impact both member and partner outcomes, helping bridge the gap between individual health needs and quality performance goals.
Star Ratings across
Part C & D measures
Improve 3x weighted
Part C & D measures
Address 5x weighted Improvement Measures and HEI

Achieve the outcomes
that matter most

It's estimated as high as 81% of health outcomes are attributed to socioeconomic factors or individual behaviors. The Wellth platform utilizes behavioral economics to motivate daily action for individual behavior change—leading to routine, healthy behaviors and positive health outcomes.

Over 90% of members engage with the Wellth app every day. This high level of engagement translates into improved quality measures, care gap closure and reduced costs for our Medicare Advantage partners.
Changing habits through behavioral science
Wellth's innovation is built around the science of behavioral economics. Elements like Choice Architecture and Loss Aversion are built into our product, creating a framework for lasting healthy habits through smart reward incentives and approachable AI technology.
We reach your hardest-to-reach members
The members you're unable to reach drive up costs and drive down Star Ratings. Wellth is able to engage these members and motivate them to create lasting habit transformation that benefits 3x weighted Part C & D Ratings.
Medication adherence is the star
Improving Star Ratings is nearly impossible to achieve without improving members' adherence to their medications. Although not an incentivized care plan activity for Medicare Advantage programs, we see significant increases in medication adherence across 3x weighted part C & D measures for hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes, and more.
Unlocking new levels of engagement
Creating an engaging member experience is more important now than ever. Through each tailored program, Wellth becomes a trusted partner in every member's health and wellness journey. We consistently achieve Net Promoter Scores (NPS) of 70 and above, highlighting strong member satisfaction.
Utilization reduction
Your partner in care support
Wellth brings efficiency and support to your care teams by freeing up their resources for higher-level care interventions. We're able to promote your health plan benefits, help close key care gaps, assist with survey completion (e.g. HRAs) and provide critical, timely feedback should additional care or followup be needed.
Tackling social determinants of health
Our Wellth platform brings a unique opportunity to address social determinants of health. Through member incentives, our partners are making an impactful investment into their members’ lives and communities with Wellth rewards spent on essential items like groceries, clothing, household needs and transportation.

Wellth works for
Medicare Advantage plans

Case Study

Motivating Member Follow-Through

Empowering High-Risk Medicare Advantage Members for Impactful Outcomes
Read the case study
How Wellth works for members

Take a photo.
Get rewarded.
That’s it.

We minimize barriers to entry for your members. Everything works with the smartphone they already have in their pocket. Using the app is as simple as taking a picture and sending a text.

The program is designed to be approachable and easy to use—but works hard in the background helping your members build motivation and form habits around healthy eating, taking medications on time, checking clinical values, using medical devices, completing care plan appointments and engaging with their care team.

Wellth makes it easy – for you and your members

The Wellth platform is easy to implement—from the backend technology to onboarding your members. Our programs are fully operational at scale and customizable to meet the needs of your Medicare Advantage plan goals.

The Wellth member experience goes beyond an easy-to-use smartphone app. Our multilingual member support team is available to assist your members from when they first learn about the program and throughout their health journey! Members with limited connectivity can engage with the app anytime and  check-ins will sync later when they reconnect to a network.
Security and privacy at scale
The Wellth platform is HITRUST Certified, bringing dedicated assurance that your members' sensitive data and information privacy are secured.
Fees 100% at-risk
Our teams are dedicated to delivering a customized program that delivers impactful results. That's why our fee structure is at-risk. We only get paid when members enroll and remain engaged with the Wellth program. Our members are our mission—and this is how we put our words into actionable results.
Want to learn more?

Learn how Wellth can improve your Star Ratings

Contact our team to get a complimentary Star Ratings assessment for your Medicare Advantage business and discuss how Wellth can deliver measurable improvements to quality metrics and cost of care.